
Success can not be spelled without U:
 Mom , Bilal, Rami, Omar, and habibo.

A Thank you note to President Amine Daouk
Thank you  for all that you have done!

Hard times will hopefully turn into times of pride.
All this will be managed with you by our side,
You give with love, not merely out of duty.
Our days are daily burnished by that beauty.
Upon your appreciation we will proudly stand.
Thank you for lending a helping hand .
Success walks slowly, with a cane.
Nearby many obstacles remain.
Although inside I'm dancing to the moon,
Kind help like yours those thorny thickets prune.
You are our willing ear,the peaceful sea
On which we sail our thought and plea.
You are a person who makes life easier and better 
Your acts of thoughtfulness and kindness always matter.
Believing in me will glow in my memory,
Reviving pleasant feelings every time I think of thee.
I appreciate you,
and I thank you.