The 21st century has announced the death of an old era of traditional teaching and the birth of a new technological era. The world is rapidly changing. Technologies become now a must if schools are to compete in a global village. At Khalil Shehab School, we believe that we should prepare students for life in global technological society. That’s why we ran fifteen projects with international themes all around the year covering all subject areas and all grade levels. These projects have been done as part of the Innovative Approaches to Teaching project run by the British Council. Our goal is to ensure that students are better prepared culturally, linguistically, and emotionally than ever before for tomorrow’s world. Implementing international activities requires technology so massive technological changes have taken place at school. Makassed Financial Directorate has generously provided us with infrastructure needed for integrating technology- rehabilitated computer suites, laser printers, voting machines, internet connections (WAN & LAN) just to mention few… & our future plan is that technologies steadily increase in presence.
As you flip the pages of our magazine you’ll see examples of international projects done at school, some exchange letters and projects, and an article by George Glass, principal of Cauldeen Primary School- our link school in Scotland. Such projects gave lessons at our school a decidedly international flavor. We need to teach children that there is more than one way to build a house, cook food, dress, dance, measure and travel…. We must teach them to think critically about viewpoints presented to them…And we must show the world the civilized facet of Muslims and Arabs. Our children must see the unique and valuable difference between cultures as well as appreciate the similarity we share. We hope that with our international projects we widened our students’ vision, deepened their understanding, improved their language, and extended their experiences with diverse cultures. We are establishing the classroom of today and tomorrow and our main focus is to improve teaching and learning so that your child who is ours will benefit…
Hopefully you’ll enjoy reading our third issue of Una Mirada…
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