Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Innovative Journey with Microsoft- PIL
It is a global community which guides educators and leaders in various schools around the world. Its aim is to share updated educational ways to enhance education and develop learners into autonomous and critical thinker individuals.Our school was chosen as one of the 65 pathfinder schools found worldwide schools. The it was selected as a mentor school.
Online Community:
The first step that we’ve done was joining worldwide community and creating our own community on “PIL” Partners in Learning network. We started a discussion regarding school vision and every stakeholder gave her/his own point of view concerning her/his vision.
Virtual Universities:
They are virtual meetings where several educators present online to tackle a certain educational,technological,or leadership issue. Different educators and leaders around the world can engage online and listen and even participate by engaging in fruitful discussions. It is mainly about sharing expertise between educators worldwide and getting the chance to meet experts in educational technology and leadership fields.The titles that were presented virtually:
- Envisioning
- Living and Learning in a Global Community WWIEF Presentation
- Innovative Teaching and Learning Practice
- Students’ Voice
- Exploring and Emerging Technology
" Our aim now is to learn from Microsoft new and innovative ideas, activities and methods to follow and add up to our educational process throughout the year. We also desire to achieve the finest of the best from our new great partners that we are so delighted to share and participate with them with all provided activities, tools, case studies, virtual live meetings, innovation, and projects.", says Rola Ayoubi, English Coordinator at Makassed KSPS.
"The virtual universities that we have attended are very beneficial and they enhanced our knowledge concerning technological teaching methods that we can integrate through our learning/teaching process", says Amira Kobrosli Owaini, a science and math teacher at Makassed KSPS.
Case Studies:
Four case studies are to be presented, throughout this year, which reflect our work and different innovative approaches we use or follow through our educational process. The endeavor is to show our existing innovation and showing change throughout this year and through working with Microsoft.
The first case study that we worked on was about the project “Going Green”. The project tackled the following activities:
Go Green Fundraiser
Climate Change Campaign
E-Waste Sculptures
National Planting Day
ENO Tree Planting Day
Environmental Awareness Campaign
We also made video shooting concerning our case study. Various stakeholders gave a short presentation that tackled innovation and activities done at school.
For more details, this first case study and the video are available at:
"Shooting the video was a great experience and a beneficial one too, since this video was a raising awareness tool about important issues shared globally. Moreover, the importance of this video is found in spreading this awareness and delivering it to the highest number of people who are using technology that would allow them search more about any topic they want to learn about", says Donia Badderedine, the administrative assistant at our school.
PIL Presentation:
A special presentation was provided to fifty Makassed leaders to encourage them to apply for Microsoft “PIL” Program. It was very encouraging when several Makassed leaders called me after the session asking for one to one session with their school leaders about PIL and the best way to incorporate PIL in their school development plan.
Attending Forums:
Two Makassed leaders, Miss Adla Shatila and myself, attended Microsoft Arab Forum and Microsoft Worldwide Forum. We travelled to Cape town and Tunisia and got the chance to attend several workshops and had a booth to present our school innovative activities and teaching methodologies, and the way technology is incorporated through the learning process.Mrs Rawya Shatila, innovative teacher award winner was there too, presenting her joint project with Ms Cheryll Arnette.
Attending BETT:
We also attended BETT educational technology show and Michael Fullan’s Motion Leadership workshops in London. It was a great learning experience to meet all those innovative educators worldwide and see what they have to offer their students to foster 21st century skills.The best thing was meeting Michael Fullan in person after reading his many interesting work on leadership.
Appreciation Award from the British Council

It has been great collaborating with you the past five years!Thanks Mayssa!Thanks BC!
Makassed Khalil Shehab School has won three international awards in global innovation, development and introduction of the information and communication technologies in its school environment from the British Council, Microsoft Corporation and some non-governmental organizations. For this occasion, a ceremony was held to honor the school principal Ghina Al Badawi Hafez and the staff as a result of their global educational efforts that aimed to strengthen the cultural and technological level in the school. The ceremony started with a speech by the school principal,who reviewed the stages that Khalil Shehab School passed through during the past five years, explaining the steps that allowed it to acquire these international awards, ensuring the support of the president and Members of the Board of Trustees and with the assistance of the Department of Information Technology. Moreover, the Director of the Department of Information Technology Adla Chatila stated: “Our work continues to secure resources to achieve the integration of ICT in learning and teaching process, and the introduction of ICT in the educational sector." Finally, the ceremony was concluded with a speech by President Daouk, who congratulated the teaching staff at the school on this achievement. Prior to it, there was a specific training for forty Makassed leaders on Microsoft PIL. It was done at Gezairi Building in presence of President Amine Daouk, Educational Affairs Directorate, and Department of Information Technology Directorate.
A vision for innovation
Because we are very keen on keeping pace with the innovative approaches in the teaching and learning of language arts, social and physical sciences, math, and others with a focus on the integration of ICT, we have achieved targeted goals in less time. Classrooms are becoming more learner-centered because learning styles and multiple intelligences are recognized. There is also more focus on collaborative work and project-based learning in addition to establishing the e-book for some subjects.
The technological innovations at school are a very important catalyst in providing the best learning environment and enhancing the learning experience. There is a very well developed infra-structure for integrating technology such as rehabilitated computer suites, laser printers, voting machines, internet connections (WAN&LAN)- LCD projectors- LCD screens in every class- and to save the best for last-the Promethean Interactive Boards. Students' motivation, interaction, and involvement in all subjects have increased to a great extent because teachers are using various interesting tools for conveying lessons.
Other technological innovations that we have at school include the voting machines, and the wide Promethean features of the ActiveClassroom; such as, the ActiveExpression, helping students express themselves through words, phrases, numbers, and symbols, and share it instantly with the entire class. In addition, the ActiveSlate allows teachers to control the ActiveBoard from anywhere in the classroom; the Mouse Mischief that gives teachers an idea to check how well the lesson is being understood; the ActiveInspire and the ActiveWand that actively engage students with the interactive lessons and enhance their potential to learn. Just imagine the impact that all these innovations have on learners. The classrooms will always be vibrant, in constant evolution and change for what is best to our learners who we seek to always make them more creative, innovative, and eager to learn and share using all the technologies present in their classroom.
All our efforts are exerted to meet our vision and aim of developing 21st century learning skills with growing focus on authentic and idividualized learning and tackling skills of problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, communication and collaboration with the integration of ICT in instruction, assessment, and intervention; All is achievable with the support of our best Makassed leaders, who made it possible for us to be a Microsoft Mentor School.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Joensuu Way/ Environment Conference-Finland
Joensuu Way is a global educational event for schools. It is based on two events: ENO Conference and SciFest- Finland. This event took place in the city of Joensuu, Finland. Schools got a chance to know about the city, visit local schools and Finnish forest. They also shared projects of science, technology and environment in the workshops of SciFest- Finland. Environmental themes were climate change and forests.
II) Introduction
After our successful participation in ENO Campaign, we were invited to Joensuu Way. Participants from all over the world took part in this event. It took place from April 13th till 18th in Joensuu, Finland. The event consisted of two parts: presentations and Scifest.
III) Programme:
Day One: A Visit to Lyseo School
Day Two: A Visit to Kukkola Farm
Day Three: ENO conference / SciFest
Day Four: ENO Conference / Sci Fest
IV) Observations
A) Day One
Lyseo School:
The visit to Lyseo School was indeed a very important one. It gave a picture of how a modern school should look like. The meeting with the teachers there gave us an apt notion of how work is getting done there. Then, we went around school, each group accompanied by a teacher. We went into the different classrooms and had a look at the very modern tools used in presenting the materials. We also had a chance of attending classrooms, like English, Math, and Science. Going around school, and observing students, we had the feeling that they enjoyed their school experience and their time there due to the facilities that are given and the fact that they get to choose for themselves some of the optional classes thus making them aware of their strong points and developing their skills. We noticed the spacious lockers yet built in a way to take a small part of the hall. We also noticed the colorful floors of the school which definitely brings a feeling of cheerfulness and freshness and consequently has a very positive impact on the students, teachers, and all the school staff. Creating a space for students to express themselves and feel at ease is an important component of Lyseo School. Students were not wearing shoes, others were resting on comfortable coaches outside their classes until the bell rings. Others were either playing cards during recess or browsing the net. Some even had a job to do. They were responsible for selling snacks and juice at the school's shop near the cafeteria.
B) Day Two
Kukkola Farm:
The visit to the farm gave participants a chance to explore the natural life. We stopped at various parts of the farm and information about different aspects of the forest life was explained. First, an explanation of how work is done in this forest was given to participants. Then a discussion about the life cycle of trees was presented and the plan that is followed to ensure that natural life is always preserved. A brief presentation about the material made from wood and the plants and fruits that grow was given. Participants had the chance to even taste some of the fruits.
C) Day Three/ Four
A- Presentations
Some of the participating countries had a chance to inform others about their cultures and traditions. They had places to present material from their lands. The materials varied from posters to hand- made accessories and souvenirs. Some participants even chose to show their folk dances. It was a great chance to enrich people's knowledge about cultures from all over the world. In day four, the American astronaut Harrison Schmitt gave a very interesting presentation about his landing on to the moon. He described the whole experience and the preparations that took place, before, during, and after the voyage.
SciFest, Science Festival, was one of the best shows. Students displayed inventions that they came up with and brought materials to give participants a chance to experience for themselves. Concepts taken from Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy, Geometry, Computers were presented in a new and advanced way. The objective was to expand a person's knowledge, broaden his/her horizons, and go from what is common to what is uncommon and unusual but at the same time more fruitful and effective. Some examples of what was displayed include robots, visual illusions, 3D glasses, geometrical shapes using simple material like marsh mellows and macaroni, eye tracking programs, electrical balls, rocket making and launching through using simple material, and different inventions.
V) Projects
Attending Joensuu Way was a very rich experience. It has added to our efforts to always introducing and practicing what is new yet effective in the way to achieving academic development for our students. After the observations, we gave our initial agreement to fulfill two projects that promise to be fruitful for our teachers and pupils as well.
The first project has to do with professional development for teachers. It is an online teacher training program: MKFC Stockholm College: End-to- End eLearning. Thus in order for this project to be launched, some procedures have to take place, the most important of which is the funding part.
Since our students already have an idea of connecting classrooms and having links with students from all over the world, we will move further with this international project. This time we chose India: Sahibzada Ajit Singh Academy. Now we have links with United States of America (Alabama), Europe (Scotland), and hopefully Asia (India).
Moreover, the presentation that was given by the American astronaut Harrison Schmitt was videotaped and we are planning to show it at school to our students.
VI) Future Plans
Developing global citizens is one of our main objectives. Next year, we are planning of having some of our students participate and be ambassadors of Lebanon in Joensuu Way 2010. We will have a presentation about Lebanon. Lebanon will be present in its history, culture, traditions, and famous figures. Added to it is Beirut World Book Capital.
As for the SciFest, Science Festival, we will also have a share in it. Tackling creativity and trying to come up with new material is quite challenging. It would be very interesting to see what can be done by students and the science teacher next year. Hopefully, to successfully complete this project, it would be set from the beginning of the next academic year.
VII) Recommendations
It is strongly recommended that the involvement would not be limited to Makassed Khalil Shehab School. It would be very fruitful if all Makassed Schools had an idea about this project since it is not only aimed to primary grades but also to intermediate and secondary. In this way, Makassed would be presented in all its schools and would be the representative of Lebanon there. Parents should also be involved. Their enthusiasm to what is being done will hopefully increase the number of students that might be able to go there especially from intermediate and secondary classes. We hope that you give your assent to our proposal to ensure an interesting and beneficial experience to our pupils thus nurturing their mind and developing their creativity and potentials.
Shakespeare Globe Cultural Seminar/ summer 2010
Foreword to Una Mirada 2009/2010
As 2009/2010 academic year draws to a close, I want to express to all of you my deepest appreciation for your support and most earnest commendation for a job well done. We had an extremely successful year at Makassed KSPS. This was due in great part to the support we have received from our association, the different directorates and parents. I have pleasure in writing this foreword because it gives me an opportunity to thank the contributors.especially Miss Rana Lawand for all the time and effort given to this venture. I seize the opportunity to shine a light on the good work that made our school tick. KSPS takes pride in the achievements of this year from winning a certificate of excellence from Bank Med to various international certificates to the basketball team achievements, up to the winning of Mrs. Rawya Shatila of the Microsoft innovative teacher award. The buzz and the joy of our students at the Go Green Fundraiser have been obvious and delightful to witness
Many thanks also to our staff for their never ending real and professional leadership qualities. We are fortunate to have a group of people who are special in their many talents, energy, drive and acuity. Many of them have gone well beyond the call of duty and do so selflessly and without looking for acclaim. Many thanks also go to Makassed leaders for giving the staff and myself complete support in the implementation of various project which helped to make this school the best possible environment for each child.
And dear parents I thank you for being friends and for believing in what we are trying to do to our young people. Thank you for sending your children to KSPS and entrusting us with your most precious gift.
Our grade six students, we wish you much happiness and we trust that the attitude you have developed and the skills you have learned will contribute to your success in the future .We hope we nurtured your young minds and character. I hope you spend a peaceful and a safe summer and wonderful vacation.
Let us enjoy the achievements of this year and look forward to a new academic year full of expectations and resolutions geared toward continued success of students and staff at Makassed KSPS . We hope these achievements augurs well for another exceptional year at Makassed KSPS, as it got accepted as Microsoft Pathfinder School.I have written a few years before in this same magazine that we will work towards the International School Award and we got it and now I tell you we will work towards accreditation and Godwilling we will get it. The prospects of next year and beyond are promising – we close this year with many awards and we hope we get accreditation in the coming years .
We had many wonderful things brewing this year.The most recent development to appear is the school electronic yearbook and through this medium we hope to widely present our activities as it contains more than 72 videos in addition to photos and content of UNA Mirada. Come journey with us through the electronic yearbook and the pages of Una Mirada and explore what was happening all year around.