Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A vision for innovation

Our Makassed Khalil Shehab School is a 21st century community school meeting the tuition-free standards, offering quality education through its distinctive curriculum, methods, equipments and the work of its specialized and efficient staff. It keeps pace with the innovative approaches in the teaching of language arts, social and physical sciences, in addition to a deep concern in the teaching of Islamic education. It ensures modern education that seeks to build the students as a whole, developing their abilities academically, morally, socially, physically, and creatively; thus nurturing their minds and characters.

Because we are very keen on keeping pace with the innovative approaches in the teaching and learning of language arts, social and physical sciences, math, and others with a focus on the integration of ICT, we have achieved targeted goals in less time. Classrooms are becoming more learner-centered because learning styles and multiple intelligences are recognized. There is also more focus on collaborative work and project-based learning in addition to establishing the e-book for some subjects.

The technological innovations at school are a very important catalyst in providing the best learning environment and enhancing the learning experience. There is a very well developed infra-structure for integrating technology such as rehabilitated computer suites, laser printers, voting machines, internet connections (WAN&LAN)- LCD projectors- LCD screens in every class- and to save the best for last-the Promethean Interactive Boards. Students' motivation, interaction, and involvement in all subjects have increased to a great extent because teachers are using various interesting tools for conveying lessons.

Other technological innovations that we have at school include the voting machines, and the wide Promethean features of the ActiveClassroom; such as, the ActiveExpression, helping students express themselves through words, phrases, numbers, and symbols, and share it instantly with the entire class. In addition, the ActiveSlate allows teachers to control the ActiveBoard from anywhere in the classroom; the Mouse Mischief that gives teachers an idea to check how well the lesson is being understood; the ActiveInspire and the ActiveWand that actively engage students with the interactive lessons and enhance their potential to learn. Just imagine the impact that all these innovations have on learners. The classrooms will always be vibrant, in constant evolution and change for what is best to our learners who we seek to always make them more creative, innovative, and eager to learn and share using all the technologies present in their classroom.
All our efforts are exerted to meet our vision and aim of developing 21st century learning skills with growing focus on authentic and idividualized learning and tackling skills of problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, communication and collaboration with the integration of ICT in instruction, assessment, and intervention; All is achievable with the support of our best Makassed leaders, who made it possible for us to be a Microsoft Mentor School.

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