Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I would like to share with you Dounia Baddereddine's account of our happy event @ Bristol

Makassed Khalil Shehab School has won three international awards in global innovation, development and introduction of the information and communication technologies in its school environment from the British Council, Microsoft Corporation and some non-governmental organizations. For this occasion, a ceremony was held to honor the school principal Ghina Al Badawi Hafez and the staff as a result of their global educational efforts that aimed to strengthen the cultural and technological level in the school. The ceremony started with a speech by the school principal,who reviewed the stages that Khalil Shehab School passed through during the past five years, explaining the steps that allowed it to acquire these international awards, ensuring the support of the president and Members of the Board of Trustees and with the assistance of the Department of Information Technology. Moreover, the Director of the Department of Information Technology Adla Chatila stated: “Our work continues to secure resources to achieve the integration of ICT in learning and teaching process, and the introduction of ICT in the educational sector." Finally, the ceremony was concluded with a speech by President Daouk, who congratulated the teaching staff at the school on this achievement. Prior to it, there was a specific training for forty Makassed leaders on Microsoft PIL. It was done at Gezairi Building in presence of President Amine Daouk, Educational Affairs Directorate, and Department of Information Technology Directorate.

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