Saturday, June 7, 2008

How to Create a Simple Teacher Mark Book

- Open Microsoft Excel; on sheet 1 type your needed data.

How to calculate the total?
- In cell E1 type: Total.
- Select E2 – Go to functions – choose Sum – press OK.
- A new window will open (Function arguments).
- In number 1: select cells: B2:C2:D2 – then press OK.
- Now the total of the first student will appear – select this student's total cell & drag it till the last student's total cell – all totals will appear

How to calculate the percentage?
- In cell F1 type: percentage.
- Select F2 – Right click – choose Format cells – Choose percentage – press OK.
- Now in cell F2 write the function = E2 /50. This means Ali’s total grades divided by the total grades (50)
- Press Enter.
- Now the percentage of the first student total will appear – select the student's percentage cell & drag it till the last student's percentage cell – all percentages will appear

How to know the result directly?
- In cell G1 type: result.
- Select F2 – Go to functions – choose IF function – press OK.
- In the logical test select the cells: F2 till F12.
- Now look at the picture:
- The logical test must be F2:F12>50. Since 50% is the average.
- Value if true (if the percentage >50% then the student’s result is “success”).
- Value if false (if the percentage<50% color="#006600">How to highlight the results by colors?
Select the cells G2 till G12 – Go to format – choose conditional formatting
- Cell value is: - Choose “equal to”- “success”.
- Choose format – patterns – choose the green color & press OK.
Press “Add” & repeat the above steps for choosing the red color to “failed”.

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